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COVID-19 Vaccinations for 12-17 Year Olds

COVID-19 Vaccinations for 12-17 Year Olds


Local NHS services are running a number of online Q&A sessions for parents and carers on the COVID-19 vaccine. These Facebook or Instagram Live sessions are an opportunity to ask any questions you have and have them answered by a clinical expert.


Monday 4 October, 6.30pm Facebook Live

Wednesday 6 October, 6.30pm Instagram Live

Friday 9 October, 12.30pm Facebook Live


Please make a note of the time and dates.


Like the ‘NHS South East London CCG’ page on Facebook or follow ‘Our Healthier SEL’ on Instagram and you will be notified when the sessions start. You will also be able to watch the videos afterwards.


If you don’t have a Facebook or Instagram account you should still be able to watch the sessions through the above links. 
