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Curriculum Intent

Jubilee School – Our Curriculum Intent – a Holistic Approach


At Jubilee, we place the child at the centre of all we do; indeed, we are very much about developing the whole child: personally, emotionally, socially and academically. We provide a happy, positive environment where individuality is of paramount importance. To this end, we are all committed to ensuring our children achieve our school vision:


We will be the very best version of ourselves!


In order to ensure that commitment is fully realised, we have clear and effective strategies and systems in place including: our Behaviour Code, the Five Jubilee Keys for Life and Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction. We follow the National Curriculum 2014 and have tailored and enhanced our curriculum considerably to meet the needs of Jubilee children. Our bespoke 8 year curriculum plan is fully inclusive, well-sequenced and progressive in order to enhance and develop our children’s knowledge and skills. Furthermore, we build our children’s cultural capital by equipping them with the essential knowledge to be educated and well-rounded citizens. We do this by developing their appreciation of creativity and achievement in literature, the arts, science, technology and sport. Our subject-specific curriculum is delivered using our cross-curricular, topic-based approach to learning that is designed to inspire, engage and sustain motivation amongst all our children. It is fully inclusive to ensure all children are challenged and supported to be the very best version of themselves.


We do not believe in glass ceilings!

We also believe in the power of YET… “I am unable to do this…YET!”


Our text-based learning ensures exposure and appreciation of high quality texts whilst exploiting a wide range of teaching and learning approaches to ensure all learning styles are met.


Quality of Education at Jubilee


Knowledge does not sit as isolated ‘information’ in pupils’ minds – our children need to acquire a deep body of knowledge so that their learning stays in their long-term memory.


Skill is the capacity to perform. Our children need to develop their skill set within a progressive and coherent structure.


Oracy  can be defined as the range of speaking and listening skills, behaviours and language necessary for effective communication and collaboration. Oracy skills encompass physical, social and emotional, linguistic and cognitive aspects of learning.


We have enhanced our curriculum by ensuring our planned progression of skills development sits alongside an equally well-planned progression of knowledge acquisition which in turn sits alongside our planned progression of oracy skills development.


Rosenshine’s Ten Principles of Instruction at Jubilee School


What does Rosenshine look like in practice?

They are a set of steps that support Quality First Teaching which results in children making more progress and achieving better results whilst developing their confidence.

We use Rosenshine’s Principles to focus upon children’s growing acquisition of knowledge and their application of skills in school and beyond.

What are the 10 Principles?

  1. Daily review – helps strengthen the connections of prior learning
  2. New material in small steps – present new material in small steps so that each can be practised and mastered
  3. Ask questions – truly effective questioning checks understanding and ensures misconceptions are tackled
  4. Provide models – sufficient modelling, worked examples and teacher thinking out loud help clarify the steps
  5. Guide pupil practice – provide close supervision and feedback for initial attempts to build confidence
  6. Check pupil understanding – frequently check that pupils have understood
  7. Obtain a high success rate – majority of the class must answer questions correctly before moving on to independent practice
  8. Scaffolds for difficult tasks – needed to develop expertise but should be gradually withdrawn to achieve independence
  9. Independent practice – frequent opportunities for pupils to do the things they have been taught by themselves, when they are ready
  10. Weekly and monthly reviews – a powerful technique for building fluency, confidence and long-term memory. If pupils do not review the work, they will forget it

Equality@Jubilee – Our Unique Approach


We are proud to champion equality in our diverse and harmonious community that is Jubilee Primary School. To widen and deepen our children’s knowledge and understanding of equality is both our duty and our responsibility.

Our fully balanced approach ensures that in every topic, in every term, in every year group our children learn about the importance of equality in race and gender. Additional key equality foci are identified to be taught alongside the topic knowledge and skills.

As a school, we have identified NINE equality foci which the children explore, appreciate and learn about:

  • race
  • gender
  • disability
  • human rights
  • children’s rights
  • animal rights
  • rights of the planet
  • individual difference
  • mental health

We want Jubilee children to enter the world of adulthood as confident individuals who are able to embrace change, appreciate difference and be clear in their own minds as to who they are – they will be the very best version of themselves.

Our Curriculum and the Five Jubilee Keys for Life


Our curriculum is the root of our Vision – we view it as a highly effective, progressive vehicle through which we can support our children to achieve the Jubilee Vision. We are united in our belief that equipping our children with the Five Jubilee Keys for Life will strengthen our children’s ability to be the very best version of themselves. Our ultimate goal is for our children to be:



Happy, healthy, safe...
      in everything they do

These Keys are designed to foster a growth mind-set within our children to enable them to live a fulfilled and productive life. By focussing upon a different Key each half term, we help the children to understand the true meaning of each Key. We then build upon their understanding so that they may develop and apply the Keys to all aspects of their lives.


We constantly ask ourselves:


“What more can we do to enhance our children’s life chances and life skills?”


“Are we equipping our children with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life?”


“Do we understand and take into account local context to ensure we support our children’s development as much as we possibly can?
