Online Learning Resources
Welcome to Jubilee's Online Learning Resource Centre
This page is used to upload useful videos, links and learning resources for you to use with your children at home.
Every Mind Matters The Every Mind Matters main page
DfE Legal Disclaimer A legal disclaimer from the DfE regarding the links to external websites found on both their site and ours.
Home Education: Tips for Parents Tips and guidance from the DfE to assist in home education.
BBC Bitesize
Daily Lessons by BBC Bitesize These bitesize lessons have been created with teachers and other educational experts and feature a mix of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games.
Maths Resources
White Rose Home Learning A series of free maths lessons provided by the scheme we use to teach at Jubilee.
White Rose Maths - Early Years A series of Maths activities to suppport parents and children in reinforcing Math's concepts learnt in each Early Years.
The Maths Factor Carol Vorderman teaches a series of maths lessons, including help with the Multiplication Tables Check.
Click View Resources Supporting Maths resources for lessons, tasks and worksheets.
Maths with Parents Supporting parents in understanding the strategies their children are learning.
Primary Topic based activities
National Centre for Exellence in the Teaching of Maths Video support for primary age children and resources for teachers
EYFS Numeracy development from 0-6 with fun activities
EYFS Ideas are based around the “Oliver's Vegetables” series
English Resources
English Mastery Downloadable resource books providing 8 weeks of activities.
Physical Education
UK Active Kids Move Crew Resources and videos produced to help pupils perform 60 minutes of daily recommended activity.
BBC Super Movers Videos which help children move while they learn. They support curriculum subjects, including maths and English.
10 Minute Shake-Up Games Change4Life and Disney have teamed up to bring you new Shake Up games inspired by Disney and Pixar's Toy Story 4 and Incredibles 2, and Disney's The Lion King and Frozen. These 10-minute bursts of fun will really get your kids moving and count towards the 60 active minutes they need every day!
Boogie Beebies Fun and engaging dance activites for younger children.
Morning Workout with Joe Wick Get moving every morning with an online PE session from Joe Wick.
National Sports Week Join in with National Sports Week in a virtual format this year!
SEND Resources & Information
Brain Parade An app serving as a visual learning and assessment system.
Help Kidz Learn Accessible game-based learning activities to engage and teach a progression of skills.
Visuals2Go App Visuals2Go allows you to create and customise your own learning cards.
Anna Freud - National Centre for Children and Families A guide to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during periods of disruption.
Click View Supporting educational resources such as lesson plans, quizzes, activities and worksheets.
Driver Youth Trust for Literacy Resources that are designed to address common literacy difficulties.
Printable SEN Resources Free printable SEN resources to support reading and other subjects.
Helping children with SEND continue their education Guidance from the government on support children with SEND.
Wildwood Trust
Wildwood Trust - British Wildlife A bank of resources about British Wildlife including information and fun activities.
Learning with Leonardo - Science & Art
Inside the Amazing Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci Spark curiosity with this activity that provides an insight into the mind of Da Vinci.
Face Facts - Science & Art Activity See how Da Vinci seemlessly blended Art and Science in this interactive game.
The Dancing Skeleton - an Interactive Experience Another superb interactive activity which provides information about the structure of the human skeleton.
Royal Collection Trust Activities A collection of other resources from the Royal Collection Trust.
Online Radicalisation - Advice and Support Government and agency advice on spotting signs of online radicalisation.
Net Aware: A Guide to Social Networks, Apps and Games Support for parents and carers from the NSPCC.
LGFL Online Safety Resources Activites and videos around staying safe online.
Parent Info - Advice for a Digital World Online safety advice and tips.
Internet Matters Online Safety Tips Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online.
Advice and Information about Staying Safe Online Advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online.
Thinkuknow Helpsheet for Staying Safe Online Advice for parents from Thinkuknow in supporting your child in staying safe online.
Online Safety Home Activity Packs Thinkuknow are uploading fortnightly home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home.
Thinkuknow - Lessons for Staying Safe Online New lessons from Thinkuyou based on staying 'SMART' online.
Coronavirus Information
E-Bug Interactive learning resource geared to understanding Coronavirus
Understanding Coronavirus Further information regarding Covid-19
Explaining the Coronavirus to Children An animation and storybook that teaches children about Coronavirus
Mental Health Awareness Week
Health, Hobbies and Relaxation
Keeping Cooking and Carry On with Jamie Oliver Need some inspiration in the kitchen? Have a look at this new series with Jamie Oliver.
Food a Fact of Life - Interactive Lessons Activities and ideas for healthy cooking and learning about food.
Mindfulness Meditation Take a break and relax with this breathing exercise for adults and children.
Yoga for Kids Take a break and unwind with some yoga.
Pokemon Yoga It's Pokemon. It's Yoga. It's Pokemon Yoga.
Music and Dance
Music with Mylene Class A series of fun and informative videos to develop music skills and engagement.
Just Dance Have a look at all the different music available to 'just dance' to, here's one of our favourites.
Virtual Days Out
Virtual Museum Tours From the Great Pyramids to the Aquarium in Washington there are some many fantastic virtual tours to take advantage of on this site!
Virtual Zoo Check out how the Pandas in Edinburgh Zoo are doing with this live webcam link.
Reading Resources
Free ebook Library A huge library of ebooks with a enormous range. Let's get reading everyday!
Teach your Monster to Read A set of fantastic reading games.
The World of David Walliams Free audiobooks and resources from popular author David Walliams
Speech, Language & Phonics Support
SpeechLink A site full of resources to support and develop your child's speech and language.
Oxford Owl Phonics & Reading Resources A huge e-book library and a wide range of RWI phonics resources.
RWI Phonics Parent Page There are free, short Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home every day until Friday 3rd April.
Safety Information
Contact Us
Need to ask your child's teacher a question about the work that has been set for them? Please send an email to the relevant address and we'll be in touch as soon as we can.