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Year 4 - Munich Class

Term 6

In PE, we did Athletics to prepare for sports day. 

In science, we used Newton Metres to measure how much force is needed to pull an object. 

Term 5

In English, we were being Stone Age people and making fire, sewing clothes, cooking food, going on hunt or building huts. 

In English/History, we made instructional books about how to survive in the Stone Age.

Term 4

English - we used untuned instruments to make a piece of music to accompany our class book of "Angus and the Goods Train"

Art - we made dioramas of the ocean using plastic to show how polluted our oceans are

PE - we have been learning to play cricket

Term 3

Another term has come to an end. Well done everyone. What fun we had with our learning. Saving Planet Earth is a great topic. We have written stories about whales and learned about Greenpeace. We danced like whales and painted pictures of them. In science, we studied different types of rocks that make up our world. Have a great half term. Have fun and stay safe. 

English/music/PE - whale dancing

In English/maths - measuring whales

Term 2

What a great term Year 4. I am so proud of you all for all your hard work this term. We enjoyed all our work based on The Firework Maker's Daughter and creating our own version of Odd Dog Out. In Science we  had fun learning about light and shadows and continued our learning on our topic "Let Us Shine." I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have fun and enjoy the holidays and I'll see you all next year. 

In English, we acted out scenes from our story "Odd Dog Out" and made our own books of the story. 

In Science, to prepare for our Plants topic in Spring 2, we planted some bulbs. 

In History, we learned about mummification and wrapped each other in toilet paper to turn them into a mummy. 

Term 1

Welcome to Year 4. It is great so see you all again and I hope you all had a great summer break. Our new topic is called "Let Us Shine." It is a science based topic where we will look at light and dark including shadows. Our English book is called "The Firework Maker's Daughter" by Philip Pullman.  I'm sure we will have a great year together. 


English -We performed some drama as the character in our book "The Firework Maker's Daughter." 

Science - We investigated our shadows.

PE - We have been learning basketball.
