Nursery - Paris Class
Welcome to Paris Nursery Class 2023-2024!!
Term 2 -Shooting Stars, Racing Rockets...Christmas is Coming!
Term 1-Me, Myself and I.
Welcome to Paris, Nursery Class!!
be a fantastically steep learning curve, but hopefully a rewarding and
We are so pleased to see you all and begin to get to know you. This will
enriching experience. We look forward to working with you to address all seven areas of the Early Years Curriculum, listed below:
Areas of learning
- communication and language.
- physical development.
- personal, social and emotional development.
- literacy.
- mathematics.
- understanding the world.
- expressive arts and design.
The Topic Brainstorm attached on the page above lists more specifically what we will be learning in this half term. Our topic is Me, Myself and I which specifically addresses who I am, my personality, likes, dislikes, important events in my life, my family. Plus it acknowledges similarities and differences between ourselves, embracing them and understanding that differences and diversity is a positive thing.
Soon we will be sending home a reading record book for you to record which book has been read with your child and a book to share. These books will be sent out on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We will also send out a phonics record book and our current sound for you to practice with your child. There will be a link to our Read, Write, Inc Phonics clips for your child to view too. At some point we will also give you a copy of your child's name for them to overwrite it in order to learn how to write it. This will be as and when they are ready. Please take this time to share this stage in your child's learning. I am sure that you are aware that this age group has the potential to learn the most and the fastest.
Please may we also request a copy of a photograph of whoever is important in your child's life? This will form the basis of several lessons and points of discussion within class and is a wonderfully personal learning opportunity.
Finally, just a quick reminder that we need a full set of spare clothes and plimsolls to be kept in school, for changes in the event of accidents. It would also be very helpful for your child to have a pair of wellies in school and an all in one zip up water proof suit that can be placed over coats and jackets for outside play. We will play outside through all of the seasons so want to keep the children as comfortable as possible.
Please feel free to ask us any questions you have or tell us anything you feel is important. We look forward to working with you and your child over this academic year and cannot wait to see the progress they make!
Term 1- Me, Myself and I
This half term has moved at an exceptionally fast pace with your fabulous children beginning to learn all the nursery routines. For many this has been their first ever nursery school experience. The children are to be praised for beginning to adapt to this new environment with new people. They are settling in and starting to understand that we have some structured whole class learning sessions, commencing each new day with our Wake Up, Shake Up song. This is a great opportunity to learn some basic science in Understanding of the World themes, discussing how we need exercise to keep us healthy and how it affects your pulse. They have begun to learn the days of the week, the months of the year and the seasons through song as well as hands on discovery.
The children have had the opportunity to listen and engage with different stories from around the world on how we are similar and how we are different. Obviously we remind the children that differences in our looks, cultures, languages, religions are all positive and are there to be shared with joy, excitement but with the utmost respect and as a treasured resource. The class worked one to one with adults to create their own self-portraits.

Term 2 Shooting Stars, Racing Rockets and Christmas is Coming!
Racing Rockets and Shooting Stars!

Christmas is Coming!!

