Year 3- Stockholm Class
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Topic Brainstorm
Topic Newsletters
Term 6
Well, this will be the last message from Stockholm Class - at least for a while.
It's time for me (Mr Long) to say goodbye and a very big thank you to all of the boys and girls whom it has been my pleasure (usually!) to teach over the last ten years. You have provided some magical moments that will live long in my memory.
A big thank you to all the teachers and TAs past and present who have made my at Jubilee such a special time. And lastly, a big thank you to all the parents and carers who have made it such a positive shared experience in the development and education of your wonderful children.
Term 5
How To Survive In The Stone Age
We know that Stone Age people couldn't write. That's no problem because they couldn't read either! But what if they could? What would they write about?
We have written our own instruction books on How To Survive In The Stone Age with chapters on How to Catch a Mammoth, How to Make Tools and Clothes and even a "guest" chapter from a Bronze Age person explaining how to make a bronze sword! We have researched from a variety of secondary sources and even sewn up out books with our newly discovered sewing skills.
Stone Age Pouches for Nuts and Berries
Before they invented farming, Stone Age people often had to forage for their food finding nuts and wild berries to eat. They might also have had to carry some stone hand tools with them. We have designed and made some Stone Age bags for them to carry these things in.
We learnt how to do running stitch, backstitch and overstitch and used these to make our drawstring pouches.
Term 4
Bats and Balls
This term in PE we have been playing cricket and rounders. The skills we have learnt include batting, bowling (underarm AND overarm!) and fielding. Good co-operation is essential for these games.
Term 3
Jumping Whales
Our DT work this term involved using levers and linkages to create moving pictures.
We have been reading stories about whales like "The Whales' Song" by Dyan Sheldon and "Dear Greenpeace" by Simon James so we thought we would create some design work based around that.
As we are also thinking about Saving The Planet, we used repurposed cereal boxes to make the seascape. We then used cardboard strips and split pins to make a linkage system using levers. When we pulled the bottom lever the whale appeared to jump out of the waves (Whale experts call this "breaching").
We have combined our Computing and Geography work to create some short video clips giving information about the state of the planet and the effect of climate changed. In groups, we resourced and researched our chosen topic online and then recorded our work using i-pads. We researched how to present our ideas in this way by watching Newsround very carefully. Who knows? Maybe one day we might be TV presenters!
We have been using the medium of dance to tell an undersea story. We found lots of different music to represent the different denizens of the deep: tiny fish sparkled on our fingers, starfish walked on our feet dolphins and whales leapt like ballerinas and gymnasts while wise old octopuses gallumphed across the seabed curling and uncurling their tentacles.
Up on the surface a storm was brewing. The wind crashed and the lightning flashing and our boat soon sank to the bottom of the ocean. Time passed.
Until one day the octopus found a box in the shipwreck - carefully with the tip of its sensitive tentacles it opened the lock and out came the most amazing things.....
Term 2
Shadow Puppets
We used the skills we had learnt in Science and also DT to help us create shadow puppets based on those used in the Far East. In groups we retold part of the story of The Firework Maker's Daughter.
Odd Dog Out
We read the story of Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph. Then we wrote and illustrated our own versions.
I Want My Mummy!
We really enjoyed our History topic about Ancient Egypt. We learnt lots of amazing facts about how people in Egypt lived over 3,000 years ago! We also had some fun having a mummy-making race!
PE warm-ups
Here we are doing some warm-ups for PE using Go Noodle and Just Dance.
Remember You're A Womble!
Remember-member-member what a womble-womble-womble you are!
As our contribution to the 2023 Christmas Concert, we decided to revive the classic 1970s song. We really enjoyed singing the song, making the hats/masks/headgear (?) and finding out about the Wombles and their pioneering recycling lifestyle. It also made a great segue into our new topic of "Saving Planet Earth."
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everybody from all of us in Stockholm Class xxx
Term 1
Maths Frame
Every week we practise our times tables with Maths Frame. The top mark is 25 and every week we try to do just a little bit better than the week before.
In our Science lessons we have been investigating shadows. We have discovered that the distance between the light source and the object creating the shadow changes its size - the shorter the distance, the bigger the shadow.
We have been thinking about the characters in "The Firework Maker's Daughter", particularly Lila and her father Lalchand. We used drama skills to help us to understand why they might have behaved in the way they did.