Safeguarding and Child Protection
What does safeguarding look like in Trinitas schools?
Please click the link below to view our Trust safeguarding videos:
Community Safeguarding
Helplines & Support
Please follow the link below to access the helpline for female victims of domestic abuse:
Please follow the link below to access the helpline for male victims of domestic abuse:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Jubilee School Safeguarding Statement
Jubilee School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children and young people. We expect all adults (staff, including temporary staff, volunteers, governors, parents and carers) to share this commitment and play a full and active part in protecting our pupils from harm. At Jubilee, every child's welfare is our paramount concern. We have a large, experienced Safeguarding Team to reflect our commitment to keeping all our children safe.
At Jubilee, safeguarding is the responsibility of every single staff member, volunteer and governor.
We believe that Jubilee School must provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, emotional, physical, moral and cultural development of the individual child.
We have a wide range of robust policies and procedures in place that ensure our safeguarding commitment is fully achieved including: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Online Safety, Safer Recruitment, Prevent, Whistleblowing, Data Protection suite to name a few. Please refer to the list below as well as the Key Info section on our school website.
Furthermore, additional safeguarding procedures have been devised to extend the school's duty of care to any of its pupils who may be required to undertake Remote Education and Online Learning.
We actively support the government’s Prevent agenda to counter radicalisation and extremism.
Family and friends, who may be worried that someone is being drawn into terrorism, can seek advice on the 'Act Early' website: The website aims to increase concerned family and friends' awareness of where to go for further information and support. Furthermore, Prevent Officers will provide reassurance and practical advice, in confidence, to concerned friends and families via the national Prevent advice helpline - 0800 011 3764
In accordance with the Department for Education’s publication Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE September 2023), all staff receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. This ensures we are all vigilant and fully aware of our roles and responsibilities - a robust and rigorous approach is vital.
In addition, all staff members receive regular safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins, staff meetings and briefings). These updates take place regularly throughout the year which is much more than the minimum annual requirement - this is to provide staff with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.
Should a pupil disclose information of a sensitive nature to a member of staff, staff will listen and explain clearly and calmly to the pupil that information about their safety may mean that other people have to be informed in order to support and safeguard them. They cannot promise to keep such information a secret. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s safety and welfare.
When a member of staff has any child protection or welfare concerns about a pupil, they have a duty to report these concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. In dealing with such instances, we may be required to involve external agencies including the Local Authority Children's Social Care.
Jubilee School takes its Safeguarding and Child Protection responsibilities very seriously. We work closely with the Local Authority and other appropriate external agencies to ensure the welfare of all our pupils.
At Jubilee, the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs P Davies (Principal) who is ably supported by the designated safeguarding team:
Mrs E Wallace (Vice Principal - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs J Fallon (SENCo – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for P/LAC)
Miss J Brown (Assistant SENCo - Designated Safeguarding Officer and Attendance Officer)
Mrs C Peel-Rainsbury (Attendance Officer)
Mr E Agugua (Premises Manager)
Mr S Luker (Trinitas Business Director and Data Protection Officer for Trinitas Trust)
Miss C Mitchell (Governor with responsibility for safeguarding at Jubilee School)
September 2023