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Year 5/6 - Helsinki Class

Home Letter

Term 5

In DT, we attempted to build shelters that would withstand a monsoon! We had the perfect weather for it!

We made Moroccan shortbread cookies. Weighing/measuring and mixing the ingredients ourselves.

We learnt how communities are protected by vaccination programmes and investigated the percentage of a population that need a vaccine in order to protect it by playing a card game - see above.

In an effort to design the best insulated lunchbox, we tested different materials to see which would keep our food coolest for longest.

We also built circuits and inserted different materials into them to see which would conduct electricity the best. The aim was to find which material to use for the school football pitch's floodlights.

We learnt about the difference between medicine and drugs, the benefits and dangers of both and the ways in which they can affect our body, both in the long term and the short term.

We used watercolours, pencil and pen to create these amazing landscapes!

We attempted to replicate Hokusai's painting 'The Big Wave'.

Colchester Zoo Trip

Term 4

We celebrated St David's Day by making our own daffodils!

We have learnt to encipher messages and decipher them by looking at different types of codes. Here we were sending messages using semaphore.

We looked at how plants can create an exact genetic replica of themselves, by taking leaf cuttings and monitoring them over time in class.

We made 3D models of animals using cardboard.

We have been doing both tag rugby and hockey this term in PE.

Term 3

In science, we have been looking at life cycles. We wrapped up and went to see what animals we could find and what stage of their life cycle they were in.

We have been learning about dealing with emergency situations. We learnt that in school we often have fire drills and these are very controlled. So, we decided to plan out evacuation routes for if the fire alarm went off and we were in a different place in the school.

We have been learning about djembe drums and learning how to play them.

We have covered so much in maths - such as properties of shape.

We have been reading Journey to Jo'Burg and dramatised the feelings the characters may have been feeling: isolated, alone.

We have been creating some art using a range of software. Here we used Terragen to create our own 'alien' worlds.

And here, Scratch to create Islamic art.

During journey to Jo'burg, our characters discovered orange trees behind barbed wire. We discussed the imagery of growth, freedom and oppression in this part of the book and created our own 3D orange trees behind barbed wire.

Term 2

In English, we combined our math's learning to create a 3D cube using a net.

In our DT lessons, we have been looking into the life and work of Zaha Hadid, a ground-breaking Iraqi born architect. She used the curves and lines in nature to inspire her work. We drew our designs and then attempted to create a 3D prototype of them using clay.

We really challenged ourselves by seeing just how precise and accurate we could be when creating our own 3D Viking boats, linked to our history learning.

We have been focussing on fractions, decimals and percentages and how they are all related to one another. We began by looking at what a fraction actually is using concrete materials.

We have been looking at forces in science and were investigating how surface area linked to air resistance and if we could slow the descent of a falling object.

We presented all of the information we have learnt in our science topic Earth and Space.

We investigated water resistance and hydrodynamics.

Term 1

We have been focussing on Earth and Space in our science topic and decided to create our own starry night sky piece of art. We use lots of different methods to achieve the affect of the night sky.

We also painted our own planets. Here is Jupiter...

Can you guess what this planet was?

We learnt coding and used this new found skill to build our own computer games.

We have watched a short movie called 'Ian' (you can watch it here: and re-enacted the scenes to help us with our writing.

Our first English writing topic was based around the books Wonder by R J Palacio, we were learning how to use inverted commas in our writing. In one part of the story we learn about precepts and we decided to decorate our class with the precept CHOOSE KIND,

We created a 3D art piece to show how Ian may have felt 'imprisoned' by his disability.

We spent some time mixing colours to make our own book cover for Wonder.

We have covered so much in maths already this year. Our most recent topic was division. We were able to solve division problems representing remainders in fractions and in decimals.

We learnt how we have night and day in science.

And made some planets.


Welcome to HELSINKI and Year 5/6!

I'm so excited thinking ahead and of everything that we will learn and achieve together. I am looking forward to getting to know those of you, who I have not taught yet and am excited to continue working with those who I get to teach for another great year.
