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Primary School

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Useful Information

Rail Safety Award - We are pleased to have been awarded the Bronze level Rail Safe Friendly award, for educating our pupils about rail safety and helping to keep them safe!

Bexley MMR Poster

Bexley Immunisation Information

Parent/Carer/Visitor Code of Conduct

The Hundred Club Mark Making

Tri-Borough SEND Newsletter January 2024

Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready!

Bexley Community Safety Survey October 2023

Bexley Borough are seeking responses from all those who live, work, visit or study in Bexley about their feelings of safety. The survey is a chance to highlight local crime and disorder issues which concerns people the most – and alongside other data, help the Bexley Community Safety Partnership set its priorities for 2024/25.  


The survey is open until Friday 27th October. You can scan the attached QR code on the flyer above or visit


Free internet access is available from all our Council run libraries. Paper copies can be requested from the Community Safety Team on 020 8303 7777 or by writing to the Community Safety Team, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT.  

2023 Library Sessions Thamesmead Flyer

Summer Survival Guide 2023

Parent Quick Reference Guide 2023-2024 (Term Dates & Illness Guide)

Warm Welcome Spaces

Parent Champion Community Event Flyer (April 2022)

Bexley Moorings Project

Bexley Moorings Project is a registered charity working in Bexley to provide effective support for vulnerable people aged between 8 and 17.  An early intervention service is offered either by befriending or via free group sessions to young people who have suffered deprivation, are in crisis, at risk or have a caring responsibility.


Bexley Moorings also want to reach out to parents/carers directly who are experiencing difficulties and encourage them to come forward so that they can be provided with support for both themselves and, subsequently, the young people.  This is a government-funded project.


One of the challenges is being able to access and contact parent/carers and for them to feel secure enough to then contact Bexley Moorings without feeling any sense of stigma, judgement or blame.  All parents face difficulties and it is obviously so important, particularly after recent events (and current ones), that a support network is there for them and they know who to contact.


Please visit the Bexley Moorings Project website for free help and guidance, tailored to your needs, in a confidential environment.

Parenting in Challenging Times

Public Health England launches Every Mind Matters campaign

Most families have experienced upheaval in their daily lives during the pandemic. With children and young people now back at school or college, the new Public Health England (PHE) Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign provides NHS-endorsed tips and advice to help children and young people’s mental wellbeing, and equip parents and carers with the knowledge to support them.


The new advice available on the Every Mind Matters website has been developed in partnership with leading children and young people’s mental health charities, including Young Minds, The Mix, Place2Be and The Anna Freud Centre. It is designed to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and support them, and also provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing. The site also provides tools to help young people build resilience and equips them to look after their mental wellbeing.

If you require paper copies of any information on the website please contact the school office

Information for Parents - Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Important Information for Parents of Children in Year 2 and Year 6 - this will be updated when new versions are available

Measles Information

Keeping Safe in the Sun
