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Primary School

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Vision and Pledge

Our Vision and Staff Pledge are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.



Our Jubilee Vision:

 We will be the very best version of ourselves! 



Jubilee Staff Pledge to Pupils:


As proud members of Jubilee, our pledge is to nurture our children to flourish and become the best version of themselves

We pledge to: 


1) Be the best version of ourselves
2) Appreciate, encourage and promote diversity and equality both within the school and in the outside world, showing an awareness of and profound respect for all
3) Be honest, trustworthy and open in all our endeavours in order to be effective communicators with each other, our children and their families
4) Care, protect and nurture every child with compassion, kindness and understanding in our fully inclusive environment
5) Always do our very best to be supportive and helpful , valuing our professional partnerships  
6) Have high expectations of ourselves and our children by building their confidence, independence and resilience in all aspects of their lives  
7) Provide a happy, positive environment where individuality is of paramount importance 




Our Learning Environment Vision:


Begin your Jubilee journey with our

5 star

learning environment!




Our Behaviour Code supports our Vision:


Together we will…

*be responsible

*be reflective

*be respectful
