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Reception - Rio Class

What an amazing end to our year together! Rio class have continued to wow us with their progress and personalities! Our topic - 'Amazing Animals' has been loved by everyone! So much fun and learning has taken place... Here is a quick run down!


In English we have been thinking about poems. We have listen to animal poems and even written our own acrostic poem about sea creatures! We have been writing extended sentences independently. We have been practicing our handwriting skill every day and everyone has made excellent progress.


In maths we have been counting up to and beyond 20, and adding and taking away with bigger numbers. We have taken a lot of our learning outside when the weather has been kind, and we had been on number hunts, and all kinds of maths fun! We have been thinking about patterns, and linking them to our art and creative time.


Across our indoor and outdoor areas, we have been doing so many fun and exciting tasks - all form of painting and media use, water and sand trays, creative plat with small and big toys, all manner of construction and building to name but a few. We really have embraced every last moment of the EYFS!



Memories of Rio Class....

 Term 3 in Rio Class...


What a fun and positive start to the new year we all had in Rio Class! Our topic - Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes was so much fun and allowed all children to thrive and achieve amazing things! 

Every child has improved their personal bank of songs by learning and remembering many classic nursery rhymes. One of our favourite things to do has been singing, dancing and acting out our favourites! What is your favourite nursery rhyme?


English has been so much fun to teach and learn - the children know so much about how a story is put together. They can recall the tales and give them a modern, inclusive boost! We know that fairy tales are for everyone!


In Maths - We have been alive in 5! We have looked so closely at the magic number 5, how it is made and all of the numbers before it! Well done Rio class!


Its been amazing term! We are extremely proud of you all. Have a fantastic holiday!  

Fun times in Reception...

Welcome to the Rio Class page! 


Autumn 2

What a fun term it has been! From learning about each other and ourselves through our topic 'Dare to be Different' and thinking about toys and how things work and move in our topic 'Terrific Toys' - we have been such busy learners! We have also been talking about Christmas and the traditional things our families do at this time. Everyone has been discussing what their family does during different celebrations and we are wonderful and talking about our focus key for life - tolerance! We have started to build up an amazing bank of songs and love singing at the end of our day and during our weekly trip to the music room! We are so excited to sing for our parents during our Christmas performance. 


In English, we have been improving our listening skills and working on our vocabulary. In maths, we have been counting beyond 10, creating number sentences and discussing sharing and equal amounts. 


Its has been so much fun - we can't wait to see what next term brings!


Wishing all our Rio class families a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year! 


Maths Fun in Rio Class!

Autumn 1


Welcome Rio Class! We are so excited for you to start with us at Jubilee School!  We have so many exciting things ahead of us this term. We are looking forward to hearing all about your families and all the things that make you different, unique and happy! We can't wait to make lots of memories with you. 


Mrs Washbrook and Mrs Watson
