Bexley Moorings Project - Invitation to Parents and Carers
Dear Friends
I'm delighted to let you know about a Community Event & Marketplace at Bexley Civic Centre on Thursday 12 May, 9.30am - 1pm.
The focus of the morning is for parents/carers and professionals to come together to share concerns and advice over youth exploitation and risk.
We aim to:
- Offer a space for parents to share their fears, observations and suggestions.
- Give clear guidance to the community on what to do if they think a child or young adult is at risk - how to report and who to report to.
- Provide an opportunity for local organisations to explain the work they do and give an uncomplicated understanding of the support that is currently available within Bexley.
There will be a number of presentations, including on healthy teenage relationships and sexual health and the work of the borough's Community Safety Team.
We also aim to showcase both the evolving work of, and opportunity to join, our Parent Champion Network - FLARE.
We think this event will be relevant to all parents and carers of children and young people and we aim for people to leave feeling empowered and informed.
A more detailed invitation will follow shortly, in the meantime, we do hope you can come along, and please circulate this email to your networks.
If you have any questions or suggestions do let me know.
Alanna Lauder
Bexley Moorings