COVID Update for Parents and Carers
Following the lifting of all COVID restrictions, we have been waiting for guidance from Public Health Bexley (PHB) to share with you.
This guidance was expected yesterday (24/02/22), however we are yet to receive it. In the absence of this guidance, Dr Mike Robinson (Interim Director of Public Health at the London Borough of Bexley) has provided the following statement:
PHB is advising schools to continue the self-isolation practices in schools at this time. Anyone with symptoms or who tests positive must self-isolate for ten days (released with negative tests at day 5 and 6 etc).
PHB also advises that children and staff who are sneezing and coughing should stay away from school; whether this is due to Covid or another virus as it will help reduce spread, and shows consideration for others.
School leaders are reminded that they are allowed to send students home, after consideration of safeguarding, should this expectation not be being met.