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Information for Greenwich Residents - 22.06.2021

Sent on behalf of:

  • Abu Bah - Engagement Lead, Thamesmead Moorings
  • Khadijah Ahmed, Engagement Lead, Plumstead and Glyndon
  • Philip Connolly, Engagement Lead, Charlton
  • Rahman Famuditimi – Engagement Lead, Woolwich Common
  • Abu Siddiki – Engagement Lead, Woolwich Riverside
  • Louise Botfield – Engagement Lead, Sutcliffe Park (Page Estate)
  • Brenda Mason – Engagement Lead, Greenwich Peninsula (Caletock & Flamsteed Estates)

We hope that you’re finding these weekly updates helpful. Following feedback from Neighbourhood Engagement Leads, this update will now be once a week, and feature a mix of covid updates and positive updates from communities.

Some of the important information, around how to stay safe, where to get tested, and the support available, will now be available at all times on the Live Well website here.

We would really like to encourage you to share the following information through:

  • friends or family who live in your area
  • local networks
  • neighbour or community groups you may be members of
  • with people who you come into regular contact with through your work or local groups

If you haven’t already, it would be really helpful if you could take a couple of minutes to fill out this survey, which allows us to understand how widely this Community Update is being used, and whether it is reaching everyone it needs to. Access the short survey here.

KEY MESSAGES 22/06/2021


165 confirmed new cases of coronavirus in Greenwich

Cases are still increasing. With the Delta variant and restrictions easing, we need to be extra careful and follow the social distancing guidelines to make sure this number doesn’t continue to increase.

3 people are in hospital right now in Greenwich because of coronavirus.

This is a low number, but to keep this low, please follow social distancing guidelines, and get your vaccine when offered. The vaccine greatly reduces the risk of getting seriously ill with coronavirus.


Follow the guidance, even after two doses of the vaccine

Two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine prevents serious illness, hospitalisation and death from the virus. However, having two doses of the vaccine does not necessarily mean you won’t catch COVID-19.

This is why it’s important to carry on washing or sanitising our hands, wearing a face mask, keeping our distance and meeting in fresh air where possible - even after having the vaccine.

The smallest of actions such as these, can make a huge difference in reducing the spread of the virus, and save lives. The more we carry on following this guidance, the sooner life will feel more normal!


Lots of ways to get your vaccine

All adults can now book their COVID-19 vaccine online.

After vaccinating over 50,000 households over the last 2 weeks, the Greenwich ‘Let’s Talk About the Vaccine’ programme will be visiting Charlton House (SE7 8RE) on Thursday 24 June and Friday 25 June.

Come along to this free, walk-in, Pfizer vaccination clinics to get your vaccine. You do not need proof of address, immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

You can also come along to The Valley at Charlton Athletic Football Club, this Saturday 26th June, 8am – 8pm, to get a Pfizer vaccine.
Find out more and book your vaccination slot.

Read more about pop-up vaccination clinics on the SEL CCG website available this week:




New symptoms linked to the Delta variant of COVID-19

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is now the dominant strain in Greenwich. This variant does not cause more severe illness, but it is spread more easily. The vaccine is still effective against this new variant, especially after two doses.

The Delta variant has been found to have slightly different symptoms, such as a sore throat, runny nose, fever and headaches. Many people mistake these for hayfever, which is why it’s really important to get tested at least twice a week, using home testing kits which can be sent to your home, or picked up from various community spots around the borough. Find out more about rapid testing.

Active Heels Ladies Walking Group – Plumstead & Glyndon

Active Heels is a weekly walking group for women of different backgrounds to motivate each other. It brings women together to discover themselves, be free spirits, be happy and mindful.

It reminds women they are not alone, and gives the opportunity to have a normal experience with other like-minded women, if they are caring for children with special educational and disability needs.

It takes place every Wednesday morning at 10.30, meeting at Winns Common Outdoor Gym. For more information and to book a place, please contact or 07438 915 934.



The community working in partnership with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Public Health.
