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Information for Greenwich Residents - 30.06.21

Sent on behalf of:

  • Abu Bah - Engagement Lead, Thamesmead Moorings
  • Khadijah Ahmed, Engagement Lead, Plumstead and Glyndon
  • Philip Connolly, Engagement Lead, Charlton
  • Rahman Famuditimi – Engagement Lead, Woolwich Common
  • Abu Siddiki – Engagement Lead, Woolwich Riverside
  • Louise Botfield – Engagement Lead, Sutcliffe Park (Page Estate)
  • Brenda Mason – Engagement Lead, Greenwich Peninsula (Caletock & Flamsteed Estates)

We hope that you’re finding these weekly updates helpful. Following feedback from Neighbourhood Engagement Leads, this update will now be once a week, and feature a mix of covid updates and positive updates from communities.

Some of the important information, around how to stay safe, where to get tested, and the support available, will now be available at all times on the Live Well website here.

We would really like to encourage you to share the following information through:

  • friends or family who live in your area
  • local networks
  • neighbour or community groups you may be members of
  • with people who you come into regular contact with through your work or local groups

If you haven’t already, it would be really helpful if you could take a couple of minutes to fill out this survey, which allows us to understand how widely this Community Update is being used, and whether it is reaching everyone it needs to. Access the short survey here.

KEY MESSAGES 29/06/2021


270 confirmed new cases of coronavirus in Greenwich

Cases have almost doubled in the past week. With the Delta variant and restrictions easing, we need to be extra careful and follow the social distancing guidelines to make sure this number doesn’t continue to increase.

6 people are in hospital right now in Greenwich because of coronavirus.

This is a low number, but has doubled since last week. Please follow social distancing guidelines, and get your vaccine when offered. The vaccine greatly reduces the risk of getting seriously ill with coronavirus.


What vaccine can I have?

It can be confusing knowing the different types of vaccines, and which one is best for you. All information below is based on NHS recommendations.

We hope that you find the below table useful, and if you have any questions, please let us know or get in touch with your GP or a medical professional.





Staying Connected – FREE weekly online workshops

Global Fusion Music and Arts, based in Charlton, are hosting a series of FREE weekly online workshops for Charlton and the wider community.

These will be running until 28th August 2021.

  • Art Club with Anthi Chrysanthou – every Tuesday 8-9pm
  • Tai Chi with Chewyeen Lawes – every Thursday 5.30 – 6.30pm
  • Meditation with Paul Matania – every Saturday 3 – 4pm

For information on how to join, please see the flyer, email or phone 020 8858 9497 or 07976 941 435.



The community working in partnership with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Public Health.
