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TfL travel guidance for young people

Dear Parents and Carers

As schools return, we will see changes to the service that Transport for London (TfL) will be providing for its passengers. They have informed Bexley council that they aim to provide dedicated bus services for children at the bus stops that are used by the most school children alongside their regular services.  These school buses will be for any school children and will operate at 100% capacity.

Regular bus routes will still only be taking 40% of the usual number of passengers in line with other TfL services.

On both services, passengers over 11 without an exemption will have to wear a face covering. 

As this is a new way of operating, we are warned there may be some delays at bus stops while the new ways of working settle down.

Bexley Council are working with TfL on a campaign to encourage children and young people to walk, scoot or cycle to school.

For more information regarding TfL's plans and Bexley's plans, please click on the links below: 

Transport for London guidance for young people

